Category Archives: Theology

This is where ‘Liberation Theology’ leads


Ī¤rueman’s a typical The (anti)Gospel Coalition-ite…

Typical regimevangelical…

Orban sez it’s game over

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has proclaimed the end of the Western world. Orban said: “This year we will be able to end the era of Western civilization, to put an end to the world order based on liberal hegemony. The progressive liberal world spirit has failed. It brought wars, chaos and disorder, economic collapse, and confusion to the world. Eventually people got tired of the representatives of this liberal spirit wherever they appeared. They are incapable of being leaders, they are not fit for the task, they are riddled with errors and ultimately rush to their own destruction.”

Why, Douggo, do you suspect they did so BECAUSE of their race?

They’ve broken Wilson.

Choose option three

Just so


Most can’t handle the truth, but it still must be told


Posted by on May 7, 2024 in religion, The Kulturkampf, Theology


A pertinent question

Prevention is always better than cure.


Only if they’ll listen; why cast pearls before swine?

Duties, sure. Of various kinds.
That’d be great – if they’d listen.

Otherwise, there are (a) other ways you can serve your brothers and sisters, and (b) you can find like-minded people on line, and build virtual communities of people for whom you can pray and who can pray for you, in addition to your real local church community. No reason one can’t have non-overlapping different Christian communities, of which one is part.


Ignore anyone who downplays any of these three