Search results for ‘russell moore’

Russell Moore: We lost the culture war. Now prepare to welcome the “refugees”!



Russell Moore is a Soros tool

Now I know why he’s against immigration restriction! (Hat tip.)

Russell Moore? He’s one of the leaders of the Evangelical Immigration Table, a Soros front group pushing for Obama’s immigration agenda.



Dr. Russell Moore: Wives don’t sin (part 2)

Russell Moore was of course one of the evangelical leaders who said Christians ought not to vote for Trump…


Posted by on December 9, 2016 in Uncategorized


Dr. Russell Moore: Wives don’t sin (part 1)

Typical Russell Moore; moving the SBC ever leftward…


Posted by on December 6, 2016 in Uncategorized


Would Russell Moore Argue This Way about Cocaine Possession?

Would Russell Moore Argue This Way about Cocaine Possession?

As with Doug Wilson, so with Russell Moore


Old Life

I understand why pro-life groups want to disassociate themselves from Donald Trump’s convoluted thoughts about women who seek abortions needing to be penalized. But doesn’t Russell Moore go too far when he says these women are victims of a culture and industry that is pro-choice?

One of the worst misconceptions about pro-life Americans is that we are pro-baby and anti-women. Unfortunately, the pro-life movement hasn’t always done a good job of defeating this notion. It’s true that some rhetoric on our side has lacked compassion and holistic concern for the well-being of mothers, especially unwed moms. But despite our imperfections, the pro-life movement has indeed been remarkably consistent about our desire not only to tear down abortion culture but to build a culture of life and human flourishing in its stead. This is the conviction that has built thousands of crisis pregnancy centers, funded hundreds of adoptions., and come alongside…

View original post 232 more words


Posted by on April 5, 2016 in Uncategorized


Russell Moore says young evangelicals reject the Christian Right, but aren’t moving left, and are just ‘freakish’

So he said recently.

MIAMI BEACH — Younger Evangelicals are rejecting the style and methods of the Christian Right but they are not becoming liberals, Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptists Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, contended Tuesday at the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Faith Angle Forum. Instead, they are embracing a counter-cultural, “freakish” message tied to the Gospel.

Not becoming liberals? Well, no, because they already ARE liberals; at least, given the immense popularity of people like this one and this one, amongst their fellow Millennial evangelicals, in terms of influence, book sales, etc., there are certainly quite a few within evangelicalism, like those two, who definitely embrace ‘progressive’ politics and social views; look at this dismayed reaction of Mrs. Evans to World Vision’s reversing their recent decision to allow queer employees to be ‘married’ – yes, Russell Moore, she’s not becoming a liberal, she already is, as are all her fans within evangelicalism.

No. Young evangelicals have increasingly sold out.

Whereas an earlier generation of Evangelicals saw themselves as part of a moral majority fighting a small, elite group of liberals, the new generation will be seen as “freakish” and “strange” to the surrounding culture, Moore believes, and this is a positive development for Evangelical Christianity.

What, by having leftist, prog values, and being tattooed and pierced like the rest of Millennials, you think they’ll come across as ‘strange’ to the surrounding culture?

On the contrary, it’s only reactionary traditionalists who will seem strange to the rest of our society.

The style of young Evangelicals can sometimes confuse outsiders, Moore explained. They may have tattoos or nose rings, for instance, which may lead some to assume they are liberal. But “in many cases, theologically speaking, they are to the right of their parents and grandparents.”

Don’t make me laugh. They are not. You have to go to traditionalist confessional Protestantism, Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy to find any degree of young people staying true to the faith.

Moore is still a fool. As ever. And not just on April 1st.


Posted by on April 2, 2014 in churchianity, evanjellyfish, The Decline


Russell Moore isn’t a complete fool; he even gets things right, occasionally!

Yes, I’ve been hard on him a couple of times in the past, and not without reason, IMO, but in a recent interview, he did hit upon a bit of truth:

There are a couple of reasons why Christians are losing the debate over gay marriage, Mr. Moore says. One is that even many Christians don’t have a real understanding of what marriage is. “We have embraced certain aspects of the sexual revolution,” he says, like the “divorce culture.”


I wish he would emphasize this more, and not merely proclaim that the church is now to be a “prophetic minority” while capitulating to progressivism (e.g. his disagreement with the Zimmerman verdict, and his pooh-poohing of boycotts as a legitimate Christian activity after his denomination’s gutless surrender in ending their Disney boycott, and in the interview, his refusal to blame women who unintentionally end up pregnant and wish to abort, for their sinful wicked behaviours, attitudes, and actions).

But, it’s a start. We can pray that his eyes may be opened further.


Posted by on August 20, 2013 in America, religion, The Kulturkampf


Cuckservative Churchians still against Trump, and nationalism

Christian group warns against rise of ‘Christian nationalism’

A group formed by Christian leaders is warning against the rise of “Christian nationalism,” saying the merging of Christian and American identities poses a threat to U.S. democracy and religious communities.

“As Christians, we are bound to Christ, not by citizenship, but by faith,” Christians Against Christian Nationalism’s statement reads.

“Whether we worship at a church, mosque, synagogue, or temple, America has no second-class faiths. All are equal under the U.S. Constitution.”

The statement is endorsed by at least 17 Christian leaders from various churches and organizations, according to the group’s website.

The leaders say “Christian nationalism” seeks to bind Christianity and American citizenship in a way that “provides cover for white supremacy and racial subjugation.”

“Christian nationalism demands Christianity be privileged by the State and implies that to be a good American, one must be Christian,” the group said in its statement.

The group’s credo includes a list of beliefs centered around the Constitution’s religious equality and calls on Christians to “reject this damaging political ideology.”

Among the groups endorses is the Rev. Michael B. Curry, the bishop who presided over the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

“The violence, intimidation and distortion of scripture associated with ‘Christian nationalism’ does not reflect the person and teachings of Jesus Christ,” Curry said.

I went to the site to see who the endorsers are; amongst a mix of various liberal mainlines, Baptists, black Protestant church leaders, and a liberal Catholic, I found leftvangelicals Tony Campolo and Jim Wallis.



Vox Day commented:

It won’t be even remotely surprising to discover that their funding is coming from distinctly not-Christian sources, most likely the same people who fund the (((Edmund Burke Institute))) Nationalism is under attack by the globalist gatekeepers and Christian nationalism will be targeted by the Churchians.

Well and good. We have the truth, the Bible, history, science, and Jesus Christ on our side. They have lies, usury, and elite pedos on theirs. I like our odds.

Notice how they can’t even bear to state the name of Jesus Christ. That’s because they serve a very different god.

Well, we know that prominent Southern Baptist Russell Moore is on the Soros take, as are many others

(Note that the Evangelical Immigration Table link is now broken, but here is what it looked like; note it includes Jim Wallis’ organization Sojourners, though he seems to not be on board that organization today… But Russell Moore still is… Still shilling for Soros…)


The guard in the tower shouts “Lower the drawbridge and unbolt the door!”

Great work, Dalrock. Russell Moore is partially Soros-funded, and has long been problematic, and at least some recognize this. But many think highly of Rosaria Butterfield. I do not, and have taken issue with her in the past; thanks for highlighting this.

1 Comment

Posted by on December 5, 2018 in Uncategorized


Submission with a twist, and denying rebellion.

Exhibit #5,965,783 why I loathe the celebrity pastors of the Reformed world – Doug Wilson, Doug Phillips, John Piper, Tim Keller, Al Mohler, Mark Driscoll, etc. almost as much as I loathe evanjellyfish types like Russell Moore. Churchian Blue-Pill ‘complementarian’ cucks, all…

Between evangelicalism and the Reformed world, I don’t think I’ve encountered yet a single famous preacher who isn’t problematic doctrinally in some way or another. Eschew the famous ones. They all suck. (Mind you, so do many unknown ones, but almost always, the famous ones have gotten so by in some way compromising doctrinally, and thereby becoming worldly popular…) (Don’t think I’m endorsing mainlines, or Pope Francis, though; not for a minute…)


Posted by on July 24, 2017 in Uncategorized