Now their line is paleoBrits weren’t white, so can’t say that replacement is happening

23 Dec

They think people are stupid, or as brainwashed as they are.

Anyway, Cavalier is right:

Our enemies are primarily those of our own ilk who hate their own.


6 responses to “Now their line is paleoBrits weren’t white, so can’t say that replacement is happening

  1. electricangel

    December 23, 2020 at 9:02 pm

    Well, clearly there WAS a great replacement, years back, when the Yamnaya/Aryans swept into Europe. We have mitochondrial DNA from the ancient women in Europe, but no y-chromosome data. We know what happened to the males of the conquered societies.

    The fact that it wasn’t pleasant for the replaced men is the threat today. But them if men won’t fight for their women, their patrimony, and their lives, they deserve what they get.

    • Will S.

      December 23, 2020 at 10:43 pm

      Yes, and moreover, Britain has experienced other replacements as well; the original Celts of what is now England being replaced by Angles, Jutes and Saxons…

      Those ancient Britons did get what they deserved, indeed, because they couldn’t hold their land.

      We must learn those lessons.

      • fuzziewuzziebear

        December 24, 2020 at 3:17 am

        Francis Pryor has called that into question and, oddly, DNA evidence is confirming it. The Roman-Britons became cultural Anglo-Saxons.
        I have no idea what these people are talking about, because it would have to have happened before the collapse of the Bronze Age.

  2. feeriker

    December 23, 2020 at 9:18 pm

    Our enemies are primarily those of our own ilk who hate their own.

    This is something most “normies” just CANNOT digest. That’s why things have deteriorated as far as they have. It’s unfathomable to most people that not only do the “elite” of their own kind HATE THEM, but that if they want to survive the depredations of said elite, they’re going to have to band together to dislodge them from power.

    What EA posts above is probably germane. It could very well be that the ancient tribes of the British Isles knew that an invasion was imminent, but just “couldn’t/didn’t want to deal with it.” The inevitable ensued. Are we at the same point today?

    • Will S.

      December 23, 2020 at 10:44 pm

      Indeed, feeriker.

      There’s none so blind as them who WILL not see…


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