“We hate you and will replace you”

23 May

Dissolving the people; electing another…


12 responses to ““We hate you and will replace you”

  1. awildgoose

    May 23, 2024 at 3:51 pm

    Pure rhetorical perjury unsupported by any statistics.

    Should be charged with a felony, removed, and imprisoned.

    Also for being a communist.

    • Will S.

      May 23, 2024 at 11:31 pm

      Hear, hear!

    • Will S.

      May 23, 2024 at 11:31 pm


  2. professorGBFMtm

    May 24, 2024 at 6:35 pm

    i was watching a lot of WWF/NWA(mainly about Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon-whose in trouble for various sex stuff again) stuff and this was recommened by yt.

    The senators and westerjn governments have been playing games with this teacher-student sex stuff just as long as the first massive wave of illegals in the mid-90s(whom i first started noticing their vast increaments in various jobs like carpentry and other trades and numbers back around ’97-before that all old media like Rush limbaugh and national nightly news would show them supposedly just as day laborerers being no challenge to the citizens on corporate and family farms in the mid-west mainly.

    • professorGBFMtm

      May 24, 2024 at 7:23 pm

      This article is basically that video that’s private now in text.

      • Kevin Buelow, 50, a former Catholic school teacher, was sentenced to 20 years in March for sexually assaulting students in Waukesha and Milwaukee counties. In January, a Milwaukee County jury found Buelow guilty of two counts of first-degree child sex assault, where the child was under the age of 13, in incidents at St. Matthias Parish School in Milwaukee from 2010 to 2012. He was convicted in January 2023 of inappropriately touching three students while he was a fourth-grade teacher at Holy Apostles in New Berlin between 2013-2018.
      • Jessica Kelbel, 29, a former special education teacher at The Richardson School in Madison, was charged in February for sexual assault of a student. Her relationship with the student allegedly went on for more than a year. She initially denied the allegations but admitted to having oral sex with the student in October 2023. She resigned in February. The victim’s mother contacted authorities, saying her son had a crush on the teacher and knew personal information about Kelbel and her children.
      • Anne Nelson-Koch, 75, was convicted on 25 separate counts, all relating to months of sexual abuse of a teenage boy. In November, a Monroe County judge sentenced her to 10 years in prison, followed by 15 years of probation.
      • ChristianEnwright, 29, a teacher at Kenosha School of Technology Enhanced Curriculum West, was charged in May with 22 counts of misdemeanor disorderly conduct for allegedly grooming a student. According to a criminal complaint, Enwright had an “inappropriate relationship” with a 14-year-old female student. The girl told school officials the two were “friends” on Snapchat and TikTok since June 2023. When authorities searched her phone they found Enwright sent her inappropriate photos of himself. He was fired May 7.
      • Rebecca Kilps, 35, a former Two Rivers Spanish Teacher, was found guilty in a student sex assault case. Kilps was sentenced in January 2023 after she entered a “no contest” plea to charges of sexual assault of a student by school staff and sexual intercourse with a child 16 or older. In a plea agreement, two counts were changed to a misdemeanor, and the other felony charge was kept with a deferred judgment agreement. Kim’s husband called the police on his wife after looking through her messages. He said the messages showed Kilps and the victim talking about having a future together and being in love, the complaint said.
    • Will S.

      May 24, 2024 at 7:29 pm


  3. professorGBFMtm

    May 24, 2024 at 7:14 pm

    That video above just went private.


    Another propaganda pic from the american left and right cabal.

    i never apprecciated the left and right telling me back then or to this day what hard workers the illegals are.

    When i knew back in ’97/’98 most of the MEN would get their wives and girlfriends on welfare by claiming not to have a husband or boyfriend or who the father of their kids are.

    • Will S.

      May 24, 2024 at 7:30 pm



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