Protect yourself against rayciss; wear a mask!

07 Aug


7 responses to “Protect yourself against rayciss; wear a mask!

  1. fuzziewuzziebear

    August 7, 2020 at 3:57 am

    Have we gone collectively crazy? I guess that the governor of Nevada can forget about further political ambitions.

    • Will S.

      August 7, 2020 at 8:31 am

      I dunno what Nevada is like, whether that will help, hurt, or have no effect on their governor…

      • fuzziewuzziebear

        August 7, 2020 at 11:00 am

        I lived in Nevada for a number of years, leaving in the eighties. The legislature only met for a few weeks every other year and wrote law in plain language. I don’t know about now, but then, the highway was closed in front of the capitol to allow cattle to be driven from high to low pasture in spring and summer.
        It’s unique.I think all fifty US states can make that claim in some way.
        I think the governor’s career is over. How can it survive Covid-19?

    • feeriker

      August 7, 2020 at 12:19 pm

      I dunno about that. Remember: this governor was elected by a majority of the state’s voters, so it would appear that a sizable minority, if not a majority, are perfectly okay with his craziness and stupidity. This is why I have very limited sympathy for states like California right now that are trying to recall their governors. The people of California knew full damned well what Gavin Newsom was about when they elected him, so why should they be surprised at the nonsense he’s pulling? You asked for it, you got it, now LIVE WITH IT!

      • fuzziewuzziebear

        August 7, 2020 at 3:26 pm

        They are trying to recall him? Good! As for California voters, how could they see that he would respond this badly to Covid-19? How could they have anticipated Covid-19? Still, he did do a terrible job as Mayor of San Francisco.
        I hope that all of these governors who performed poorly during this event get recalled.

  2. fuzziewuzziebear

    August 7, 2020 at 3:28 pm

    I just looked it up. Arnie already served two terms. That is the limit. He can’t be drafted.


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