They’ll keep the animatronic corpse semi-resuscitated enough to make it till November if they can

11 Jun
It’s clear Dr. Jill certainly doesn’t give a shit about him.

8 responses to “They’ll keep the animatronic corpse semi-resuscitated enough to make it till November if they can

    • Will S.

      June 12, 2024 at 12:39 pm


  1. feeriker

    June 12, 2024 at 1:57 am

    Itā€™s clear Dr. Jill certainly doesnā€™t give a shit about him.

    Jillary: the demonic moronette with a “PhD” in “Education” that shoots angry nonsense out of her mouth, loves power, kills people who cross her or make fun of her, and hates her husband.

    • Will S.

      June 12, 2024 at 12:40 pm


  2. Steiner

    June 12, 2024 at 4:50 am

    The vampire squid parasites may get their wish in this FAFO game with Russia.

    Sub hunter is trailing the naval force that was headed for Cuba.

    RF state teevee says nukes could be stationed all over South America.

    All a feature as the Long Marchers seek to burn down the world for Karl and Ol’ Scratch.

    They’ll enjoy the more for them less for us good life while the lumpen prole serfs are in 7500 degree mushroom cloud storm, if you want to call a bunker the good life.

    Or the cruise liner ships for the vampire squid parasites aka elites.

    Still such a classic that greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing man that he doesn’t exist and how about a bite of this delicious apple. (s/)

    The apple is too carby! (rimshot)

    Know them by their deeds for the knowledge of good and evil and sometimes you can just feel the vibe of what they are.

    I’ll ride with the King of kings myself, they are welcome to their choice even if they choose poorly.

    • Will S.

      June 12, 2024 at 12:40 pm


  3. surfdumb

    June 12, 2024 at 10:15 am

    I’m sure they have plans if he can’t make it, but I don’t think they know anything other than it’s too soon to pull the plug (s).

    Two things I’m confident of, they’ll successfully do what they want in terms of a candidate regardless of law, tradition, or decency, whether it’sJoe, a stand-in, or even a delay.. Secondly, there will be a huge story that drives down Trump, or series of news that cumulatively drives down his image with the low-info voters and in our general culture.

    The media showed in 2020 that even though it wasn’t just 3 or 4 networks anymore, it was still powerful enough to choose the winner. 2016 was a blip between the network/cable transition to social media, but they showed us they fixed that weakness pretty quickly.

    I said America ended in 2008 when Obama was elected and have been negative since then in national and local projections. I have been unfortunately way too right being a black cloud since then. 2016 was a great counter result to my consistent choosing of the worst outcome when faced with a fork/prediction.

    Looking back though, Trump didn’t result in anything better, he only exposed that the country indeed died in 2008. Biden and godless teachers have this country just as broken as if Hillary had been elected instead. That’s because we are country by the people and for the people and are godless, or Christian and comfortably numb. All that’s left is capitulation or divorce or war.

    • Will S.

      June 12, 2024 at 12:41 pm



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