And this is why ex-Alphabetis shouldn’t call attention to that, either (the ones who build careers around it, selling books and speaking tours, etc.)

15 Jun

Spot on.


2 responses to “And this is why ex-Alphabetis shouldn’t call attention to that, either (the ones who build careers around it, selling books and speaking tours, etc.)

  1. Steiner

    June 15, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    In the flesh=sinner.

    Like a disease, you have to manage it and the Blood of Jesus isn’t some blank check to sin.

    Saw a meme that I felt bad about laughing at…don’t let Jesus die for nothing, go out and sin or that old why don’t we do it in the road, anything goes, Moral Relativism.

    A good movie plot would be a glowy worm alpha soup apparatchik assigned to you falling in love after your memes and posts?

    Sad that it has come to that.

    They can worship the state all they want, being ignorant of history and all the we will rule for 1000 years regimes and their piles of ruins.

    I play with the spybot that follows me and it will ease back or I’ll roast a hole in it’s motherboard. (/s)

    You’ll see results from searches, comments, memes, show up in U Tube or even on das Teevee, wasn’t born with enough middle fingers.

    The wymyns? Oh so lovely and made that way for a reason.

    If you are blessed with a wonderful woman then it could be heaven on earth, get the wrong one and it is hell.

    • Will S.

      June 15, 2024 at 8:45 pm

      I’m happily married; no honeytraps for me. 🙂


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