‘Boi Scouts of America’

01 Feb

As Rod Dreher calls them, now they’ve gone and accepted not-real-boys into their midst:

The Boy Scouts of America said on Monday the group would begin accepting transgender boys, bucking its more than a century-old practice of using the gender stated on a birth certificate to determine eligibility.

“Starting today, we will accept and register youth in the Cub and Boy Scout programs based on the gender identity indicated on the application,” Boy Scouts of America communications director Effie Delimarkos said in an emailed statement.

I look forward to news of the Girl Scouts admitting boys who ‘present’ as girls into their ranks, and male leaders who present as women.

Made you laugh, didn’t I? 😉

Anyway, both are converged, and beyond useless.


4 responses to “‘Boi Scouts of America’

  1. feeriker

    February 3, 2017 at 11:24 am

    To be honest, this just one more reason to avoid the BSA. Even before this homoperversion nonsense took hold of them, they were already becoming a state-worshiping proto-Hitler Youth organization. My grandson was a Cub Scout for two years before he lost interest, largely due to the fact that the Cub Scouts no longer focused on anything traditionally related to scouting.

    Maybe some other organization will arise to take the BSA’s place, one that adheres to traditional values that they BSA once exemplified.

    • Will S.

      February 3, 2017 at 8:26 pm

      There are, and have been, some alternate organizations similar to Scouts; I know there is a Reformed equivalent, and there are others. I agree, Scouting has been converged already for some time now; it’s just become more explicit and open now. Parents should choose alternate organizations for their children…


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