Publisher of Popular Christian Books to Release Jennifer Knapp’s Lesbian Memoir

03 Jun

Publisher of Popular Christian Books to Release Jennifer Knapp’s Lesbian Memoir.

A company known for publishing books of interest to Christians has generated criticism for agreeing to publish a memoir from Jennifer Knapp—a former contemporary Christian singer who now describes herself as a lesbian.

Jennifer Knapp, now 40, was a popular Christian singer who won Dove Awards and a Grammy Nomination during the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, twelve years ago, Knapp suddenly left the Christian music industry, moved to Australia, and entered into a relationship with another woman. She now describes herself as a lesbian but claims she is still a Christian.

“I am who I am,” Knapp stated in a 2012 interview with TheBlaze. “If God is a God who judges and strikes people of same sex attraction—then he’s going to strike me down. This is the way that I am and now I know what it means to fear God.”

“I’ve never heard an audible voice from the heavens—and you go ahead with as much as you can with your head and your heart,” she asserted. “There’s a point where I just accepted who I am, and that may be right—[or] that may be wrong.”

Because God’s Word isn’t enough, when you wish to justify evil; gotta not hear Him speak from the clouds, to rationalize Scripture away…

Knapp recently launched “Inside Out Faith”—an initiative designed to help homosexuals reconcile their behavior with their faith. At Inside Out Faith speaking engagements, Knapp promotes the “inclusion and affirmation” of homosexuals within religious circles and condemns churches which show “rejection and judgment.”

“Through her passionate music and disarming charm, Jennifer speaks of the challenges she has faced in claiming her unique identity,” the Inside Out Faith website explains. “It is the story of an honest, vulnerable and questioning soul, living out a journey of life, love and faith.”

This year, the faith-based publishing arm of Simon & Schuster—Howard Books—will release a book written by Knapp titled Facing the Music: Discovering Real Life, Real Love, and Real Faith.

“This is [Knapp’s] story—of coming to Christ, of building a career, of admitting who she is, and of how her faith remained strong through it all,” the book description states.

“Now an advocate for LGBT issues in the church, Jennifer has witnessed heartbreaking struggles as churches wrestle with issues of homosexuality and faith,” the description adds. “This engrossing, inspiring memoir will help people understand her story and to believe in their own stories, whatever they may be.”

Howard Books publishes works from many well-known Christian authors, including Dave Ramsey, Dr. Charles Stanley, and the Duggar family. A member of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, Howard Books’ goal is “to inspire readers one word at a time” through faith-based publications.

Founded in 1969, the company originally published for the Church of Christ, but soon broadened its base to reach evangelical Christians at large. In 2006, Howard Books was purchased by Simon & Schuster, a secular company that continued to publish books through the label that it believed would interest Christian consumers.

Jennifer Smith, publicity director for Howard Books, told The Washington Post that Knapp’s journey from Christian music fame to homosexual advocacy is a story worth telling.

“We know it’s her story and obviously the position she’s found herself in as a recognizable Christian artist coming out as gay,” Smith said. “She shares about how she has come to terms with herself and her own sexuality and is able to speak on the topic and say, ‘Look, God loves me through this.’”

Smith conceded that “some people … don’t necessarily agree with this book,” but she argued that “there are others who want to have this conversation.”

“This is simply a vehicle for us to encourage Christians to open their hearts and minds to having the discussion openly,” Smith continued. “At the end of the day, this book is an opportunity for Jennifer to tell her story and we want to be part of that conversation.”

No; you want to make money.

This was bound to happen, once the originally Christian publishing company was bought out by a giant, secular publishing company.

Christians may consider whether they wish to continue buying Christian literature from Howard Books, or whether they’d prefer to patronize only decidedly Christian publishers, ones not owned by secular companies pushing progressive agendas…

As previously reported, a similar situation recently unfolded when Convergent Books published the pro-homosexual book God and the Gay Christian. Following an outcry, Convergent Books parted ways with the National Religious Broadcasters.

We shall see how Dr. Stanley, the Duggars, and the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association react to this – if they even do.


7 responses to “Publisher of Popular Christian Books to Release Jennifer Knapp’s Lesbian Memoir

  1. Will S.

    June 3, 2014 at 3:16 pm

    Reblogged this on Will S.' Culture War Blog.

  2. Michael Schleyer

    June 3, 2014 at 9:02 pm

    Goodness gracious! These people do not quit! First, they identify themselves solely with a sin and neglect repentance and the struggle all Christians must face at some point. The outcry would be deafening if someone imitated their labeling and decided to petition to allow Rapists and Murderers to be unleashed on society since they may claim that is “how they are.”

    Now, they continue to hijack the Christian faith and demand we capitulate to their sinful behavior. Oh, and then there is the money aspect of their whining.

    We certainly are in a golden age of civilization…

  3. Will S.

    June 3, 2014 at 10:02 pm

    Yep. It’s incredible, yet it’s happening… Like a lucid nightmare, from which we can’t awake.

  4. Eric

    June 4, 2014 at 9:29 pm

    One of the things that I find so damned irritating about these homosexual militants is their overweening arrogance. I got the feeling from reading Knapp’s excerpts above that she really believes that she’s better than God; if God objects to her lifestyle. Of course, they have the same contempt for us mere mortal heterosexuals too.

    It’s interesting how they’re always spouting about ‘love’ and they keep implying that somehow homosexual love is purer than any other kind. Oppose them though and you’ll soon see how ‘loving’ and ‘tolerant’ they are: just ask Brendon Eich.

  5. Will S.

    June 4, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    They are filled with hubris. Unlike Job, they’d have answered God back.


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