Ontario Catholic schools can’t force students to attend Mass, court rules

10 Apr

Quite the development.

The Ontario Superior Court has ruled that student at a Catholic high school who is entitled to be excused from religious courses must also be excused, if they wish, from religious field trips and attending mass.

So, Ontario Catholic schools can’t refuse students bringing same-sex ‘partners’ to their proms; they’re not allowed to teach that abortion is wrong any more; they’re not only allowing students to be excused from religious courses, but have bent over backwards in some jurisdictions to accommodate others; but now they can’t even require those attending their schools to attend religious services.

In what way, shape or form are Ontario’s publicly-funded Catholic schools still truly Catholic?

And even leftists like the Toronto Star’s Thomas Walkom can recognize the dilemma:

What’s the point of a religious school system if students can opt out of religion?

This is the question Ontario’s Catholic schools face following a divisional court decision that gives their students the right to avoid all aspects of Catholicism.

A damned good question, that.

Ontario’s Catholics may do well to wonder whether taking Caesar’s money was worth it, ultimately.

Government funding never comes without strings attached…

“Whose bread I eat, his song I sing.”, as the old saying goes.


2 responses to “Ontario Catholic schools can’t force students to attend Mass, court rules

  1. Will S.

    April 11, 2014 at 2:17 am

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