New ‘gender policy’ in Vancouver Catholic schools

17 Jul

It’s not just Ontario Catholic schools going astray here in Canada, but also B.C. ones

Catholic schools in Vancouver have adopted a policy that could allow transgender students to use the pronouns, uniforms and washrooms that match their gender identity after a human rights complaint forced the local archdiocese to balance its religious teachings with the rights of transgender children.

The lawyer for the 11-year-old transgender girl behind the complaint says Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese appears to be the first Catholic school board in North America to implement such a policy.

Tracey Wilson’s doctors determined she had gender dysphoria, but the Catholic school she attended indicated it could not accommodate her request to be treated as a girl.

Wilson’s family moved Tracey and her siblings to the public school system and filed a human rights complaint, which has now been resolved with the school board’s new policy.

“This is, as far as we know, certainly a North American first and probably a world first,” said the Wilson family’s lawyer, barbara findlay, who spells her name without capital letters.

“Not only is it important for the students in Vancouver who go to Catholic schools, but it will serve as a template for other Catholic school districts everywhere.”

The document, released by the archdiocese Wednesday, said students’ needs will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

The independent school board said students and their families can formally request to be accommodated, and a case management team consisting of doctors, teachers and a pastor will come up with a plan for each student.

Such plans could include using a student’s preferred name, gender pronoun and uniform.

Doug Lauson, the superintendent for Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese, said students could be permitted to use the washroom that matches their gender identity or be given access to a private washroom.

Instead of transgender, the school board prefers to use the term gender dysphoria, which is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as having a “marked difference between the individual’s expressed or experienced gender and the gender others would assign him or her.”

The policy stresses gender “expression” and notes Catholic teaching says people cannot change their sexual or gender identity.

The document says the school cannot support or accommodate a student who wants to transition from one gender to another.

Lauson said the policy strikes an appropriate balance between meeting the needs of students and respecting the school board’s religious teachings.

“We are people of the Catholic faith. Our schools will be as inclusive as we can while still retaining our Catholic identity.”

‘Retaining our Catholic identity’, while capitulating to the ways of the world?

The Vancouver School Board recently updated its own policy for transgender students after a contentious debate that saw critics musing about whether the policy would scare away international students and hurt property values.

Ah yes; I remember.

Which means that now there won’t be any difference in Vancouver between the public school board and the Catholic one in this; both have capitulated to the progressive zeitgeist.

I see little reason therefore for traditionalist Catholics in Vancouver to bother sending their kids to a separate school.

Better off homeschooling / private schooling, if one wishes to shelter one’s children from moral degradation…


11 responses to “New ‘gender policy’ in Vancouver Catholic schools

  1. electricangel

    July 17, 2014 at 2:17 pm

    Do they have to do this because they take the tax man’s dollar? Or do you Canadians tell religions how to run themselves? If it’s the former, well, tough effing luck. Build a real community and pay for schooling free of the state. If the latter, I had no idea that things had gotten so bad.

  2. feeriker

    July 17, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    Better off homeschooling / private schooling, if one wishes to shelter one’s children from moral degradation…

    Yup. No reason good traditional Catholic parents across the country couldn’t start homeschool co-ops or small-scale mini-schools using available homeschool curricula.

    I was going to ask “why the heck is any Catholic school admitting TRANSGENDERED students?” But I know better, so I won’t.

  3. Will S.

    July 17, 2014 at 7:12 pm

    @ EA: That’s exactly why; if they eschewed tax money, they could get away with failing to adhere to the zeitgeist, as private Protestant schools still do, thankfully…

    @ feeriker: Exactly! Time for trads to withdraw from the system, if they haven’t already…

    “Whose bread I eat, his song I sing…”

  4. Will S.

    July 17, 2014 at 7:21 pm

    Interestingly, Catholic schools in B.C. are only half-government-funded:

    The rest is covered by both the parishes themselves AND the parents, who have to pay tuition.

    What does this mean?

    It means the worst of all possible worlds: the government funding comes with strings attached naturally, so they have to do the government’s bidding if they want to keep receiving funds; the parish is complicit in partially paying to support these schools which are following worldly ways; and parents still have to pay extra tuition, yet can’t ensure their kids won’t be exposed to worldly ways – and in fact, as we see, they damn well are…

    A match made in hell.

  5. Eric

    July 18, 2014 at 1:09 am

    To cap off ‘Pride Week’ the Tacoma Public Schools issued a formal apology to a fag teacher they’d fired back in the 1970s for ‘being gay’ (he was also a suspected paederast, but the media conveniently left out that detail). His firing was actually upheld by both the State and US Supreme Courts.

    It does seem strange though that the same media who applauds the school boards for doing these things go ballistic at even the hint of such allegations made against Catholic priests. Now if the Pope apologized for firing gay priests who allegedly molested boys, like the Tacoma School Board did, do you think the media/cultural elites would applaud that?

    Somehow I don’t think they would….

  6. Will S.

    July 18, 2014 at 1:28 am

    They no doubt want to have it both ways… (Again, no pun intended. 😉 )

  7. znpaul

    June 1, 2016 at 1:57 pm

  8. Will S.

    June 1, 2016 at 2:01 pm

    You mean how the CBC story I quoted described it.

    I see.


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