Managerialism = credentialism

30 Jun

4 responses to “Managerialism = credentialism

  1. Steiner

    June 30, 2024 at 4:15 am

    I fart on their credentials.

    Rebels, outlaws, deplorable kulak untermenschen scum, this is the way.

    These are the people Jesus is trying to reach, who need the message the most.

    Worldling apparatchiks are a lost cause only useful as cover in a firefight or boat anchors.

    O/T-Some late night early AM hype with 3 poleece cars hauling azz and a firetruck during AM area study.

    I always say look out for them God.

    • Will S.

      July 1, 2024 at 12:02 am


  2. feeriker

    June 30, 2024 at 4:42 am

    The institutions that bestow those credentials are their high places, you don’t reform the high places of false gods, you tear them down.


    Think of traditional brick-and-mortar Ivy League universities as centers of pestilence. They might have once been places of esteemed knowledge, but over the last few generations they’ve degenerated into STD-infested brothels in which the inmates and their customers are all suffering from tertiary syphilis.

    Raze them to the ground and salt over the earth on which they once stood. Then build new institutions of esteemed learning once the society that created the pestilential brothels has been destroyed and a new and better society has replaced it.

    • Will S.

      July 1, 2024 at 12:03 am

      Hear, hear!


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