Any parent who loves their children enough can educate them better than the State (which would rather just indoctrinate them, anyway)

27 Jun

6 responses to “Any parent who loves their children enough can educate them better than the State (which would rather just indoctrinate them, anyway)

  1. Elspeth

    June 27, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    I appreciate the linkage, Will. By the way, my post was only partly tongue-in-cheek. Obviously we took our job of home education seriously or the kid wouldn’t have done as well as she did. But we didn’t educate our kids as if their lives depend on how well they stack up against the standards of the state, and they are still excelling well beyond those kids who ARE attempting to meet the standards of the state.

    Another thing I wish parents knew and understood is that living in a good zip code with “good schools” is not the insurance policy against the rot that they think it is. Even if those schools manage to produce top 20% kids (and many do), the cultural and sexual indoctrination in heavier in those schools than it is in the “lower quality” schools.

    There is no oasis in the government system. Period.

    • Will S.

      June 27, 2024 at 1:13 pm

      You’re welcome, Elspeth.

      I realize that, lol.

      Yeah. No Christian parent who loves both God and their children should have them indoctrinated in a government school. Period.

  2. Steiner

    June 27, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    Red State Montessori is where Ms. C (H/T) told me about KGB mind virus and one day the commie flag will fly, hoisted by internal quislings.

    We read Animal Farm in 5th grade and 1984 in 12th.

    A biology teacher showed us the CPUSA (D) video of “tearing America apart with racial tensions” in early 1990’s, which was originally stated back in 1922.

    He offered study hall pass to any snowflakes who couldn’t handle truth.

    The ol’ divide and conquer has worked very well for the homegrown Bolsheviks.

    Viva Ramon Mercader and his pickaxe!

    Now that same school is no longer Montessori and I saw some rainbow rump ranger flags there right before the Maui Wowie laser barbecue.

    • Will S.

      June 27, 2024 at 3:43 pm


  3. feeriker

    June 27, 2024 at 4:06 pm

    My ex-wife, who had only a high school diploma as credentials, began homeschooling our grandson when he was four years old, and by the time he started kindergarten he was reading at a second grade level. Her tools? A single “3 Rs” curriculum on CD for grades K-12 cost $100 and that relied on time-tested basics (the reading lessons for K through third grade came out of a McGuffy reader published in 1879).

    Unfortunately, my daughter chose to put him in publik skool for grades K and 1, where the agents of the State “degaussed” him of everything his grandmother had taught him. Fortunately, my daughter had enough sense to pull him out of kiddie prison after first grade and put him in a Christian school.

    My point with this anecdote is that anyone can homeschool their child(ren). All it takes is dedication and focusing on what’s in your child(ren)’s best long-term interests. In other words, it takes being a parent, something in which most American adults with children are absolutely uninterested.

    • Will S.

      June 27, 2024 at 4:12 pm




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