For the second time, KMG’s ‘X’ account reinstated

26 Jun

Good, but I still don’t trust Elon; next time someone with clout complains, he’ll do their bidding.

Even if he reverses course a day later.

Not good enough. Keeping that blatherer Elon muted and blocked.


There were a wave of purges, apparently.

Elon didn’t remove enough of the WokeSJW crowd, i.e. all of them.

And so they’re still in place to vengefully last out, as they do, against our ilk.


Posted by on June 26, 2024 in good news, The Kulturkampf


4 responses to “For the second time, KMG’s ‘X’ account reinstated

  1. feeriker

    June 26, 2024 at 2:41 pm

    People need to start calling him out, gloves off. Let’s see how he reacts when millions of ordinary people tell him how full of shit he is.

    In a sort of related vein, I saw a video on the FoxNews YouTube channel yesterday quoting Lindsey Graham on some outrage he was responding to. I decided to check the comments, sure that the Foxtards would be standing up for this demented warmongering faggot. How pleasantly surprised I was to spot NOT ONE SINGLE positive comment about Graham in the 15,000 or so comments posted! Maybe we’re making some headway after all.

    • Will S.

      June 26, 2024 at 2:56 pm

      Huh. Pleasantly surprised.

  2. Steiner

    June 26, 2024 at 7:01 pm

    Saw a Substack about Baphomet chestplate Elon wanting to neurolink everyone and allowing it to be put in the not-a-vaxx.


    How about the astronauts that are stuck on the space station?

    Why can’t Brandon’s “historic” lazers bring them back?

    Could muh tech savior Elon bring them back with his super duper rockets?

    The pink palmetto princess Lady Grahamnesty?

    Ain’t nobody got time for that.

    If you just can’t fall asleep Thursday, the “high stakes” debate will be on Communist News Network because Emmanuel Trumpstein be all 7-D chess n’ sheeit.

    NO live audience because you couldn’t pay anyone enough to attend.

    Mock, scorn, ridicule, until Jericho falls.

    • Will S.

      June 26, 2024 at 7:20 pm



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