Father Knows Best: I Thought It Was Wednesday Edition

22 May

Thomas Fleming: (In which the good Dr. backs up Manny Paquiao on gay “marriage” and completely pounds a leftist twat) (In which TJF talks about leaving this sinking ship of a country. The comments are very important and insightful) (Looks like another European nation has tried to give the EU a nice big “fuck you” but has been crushed by the BNWO. It is unfortunate.) (About our Clown-in-Chief’s “sudden” revelation about sods “marrying”. I really don’t like that prick.) (About Native Americans with blonde hair and blue eyes and all of the great benefits that they receive)

Patrick J Buchanan: (on how you guys are going to be screwed soon because of the how the Boomers are leaving the workforce in droves to suck the government teat. I’m going to get screwed as well, but a little later than you guys) (on how the demise of White America and the flood of Hispanic immigrants is going to cause the demise of the GOP. Read the comments to see Clyde Wilson’s hilarious opinion; just like him I fail to see how the death of the GOP is a bad thing)

Srdja Trifkovic: (The Serbian Dr. gives his take on the elections in his homeland) (“And screw the bankers”. Indeed.)

The Letters Amongst the Men of Chronicles:

Thomas Fleming: (I don’t get the point of this one. The other men shoud explain this to me)

Tom Piatak:

Thomas Fleming:

Clyde Wilson: (Chinese restaurants are now advertising in Spanish. The old Southern Curmudgeon is not happy.)

Thomas Fleming: (Thomas Fleming sees a silver lining in the cloud.)

Scott P. Richert: (About the deal with the Facebook stocks and how the Facebook business model will not work. Zuckerberg made a killing and a bunch of dumbasses got screwed. Well, you know what P.T. Barnum said: “there’s a sucker born every minute”)

Thomas Fleming: (In this one, TJF says basically the same thing my father did about the new Facebook stocks: whoever buys that shit is a fucking moron; Facebook doesn’t even sell a product. My father also went on to tell me how useless Facebook is and how it’s just crap. I thought to myself, “but then how will all the frauen attention-whore?”)

Aaron D. Wolf:

Tom Piatak:

Aaron D. Wolf: (In this one, Aaron D. Wolf notices teenagers like me being glued to their smart phones. He notes that only a few years ago these teenagers would have been fighting and yelling. But he also notes that this change, the newfound docility is not a change for the better. Wonder why.)


Posted by on May 22, 2012 in Linklove


28 responses to “Father Knows Best: I Thought It Was Wednesday Edition

  1. Will S.

    May 22, 2012 at 11:44 am

    Last minute – and a day ahead of schedule! 🙂

    Nicely done, Svar. Looking forward to reading the Chronicles men; I always enjoy reading them. 🙂

  2. Svar

    May 22, 2012 at 12:09 pm

    Crap. I thought it was Wednesday.

  3. Will S.

    May 22, 2012 at 12:14 pm

    Hey, no worries. Nothing wrong with being ahead of the game. 😉

  4. Will S.

    May 22, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    Re: Thomas Fleming’s “Re: Accentuate the Positive”, he’s referring to this short post by Aaron Wolf.

  5. Will S.

    May 22, 2012 at 1:04 pm

    Just found a link to the ‘eslavery’ essay Tom Piatak referenced in his comment on Wolf’s idocile post:

    An excellent essay by Wolf, as usual.

  6. Svar

    May 22, 2012 at 2:07 pm

    Thanks for the links, Will.

  7. joycalyn

    May 22, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    A leftist using Nero as an example of Roman law – hahahaha! Oh, the irony!

    That’s what’s wrong with the world – we don’t use an insane Roman Emperor as our model.

  8. Svar

    May 22, 2012 at 6:59 pm

    There just is something really cool about the fact of Thomas Fleming backing up Manny Paquiao. I like Paquiao. And he’s probably a fellow Papist like Fleming and me; Flips tend to be Papists.

    We Roman men look out for each other.

  9. Will S.

    May 22, 2012 at 7:35 pm

    Manny Pacquiao is quite the guy – not only is he a boxer and a politician, but also an actor, musician and a lieut-col. in the military reserve.

    And Wikpedia sez:

    Pacquiao is a devout Roman Catholic. Within the ring, he frequently makes the sign of the cross and every time he comes back from a successful fight abroad, he attends a thanksgiving Mass in Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo, Manila to kneel and pray.

    Pacquiao is a real renaissance man.

  10. slumlord

    May 22, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    Full disclosure here, my ancestry is Croatian and you may take my opinion with a grain of salt, but have any of you read up on Srdja Trifkovic’s past? Here’s the Wiki link. I agree that he is anti-Islam and anti-banker but the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. I don’t know how he gets so much traction in conservative circles, given his past.

  11. katmandutu

    May 22, 2012 at 7:57 pm

    Some great links there, Svar. Will read them all when I have more time later today. I DID read THIS powerful and very thought provoking article from Flemming.”

    “The Inalienable Right to Porn”

    “We sometimes hear of a creative means of circumventing the moral obstacle: It is now possible to create virtual kiddie porn that does not involve the abuse of children. It is the perfect solution that should satisfy both camps, the protectors of children and the advocates of erotic diversity.

    This solution is satisfactory so long as we all agree that there is nothing inherently wrong in viewing child pornography or – to open up the argument – snuff films or depictions of bestiality. Of course, there may be paleolithic moralists who fear that child pornography does moral damage to the person who enjoys it. Such a move goes beyond mere consequentialist arguments against the harm pornography does to the victimized performers.

    But at what point are they willing to stop? Are reactionaries willing, for example, to outlaw bondage films in which paid actresses willingly act out Masochistic fantasies? Or fictional snuff films in which none of the actors is actually harmed?

    Libertarians insist that these innocent fantasies do not lead to harm. After all, we know from a series of enlightened court rulings that the state has no interest in banning erotic novels if there are the slightest pretensions to literary merit – yes, an obvious reference to Lady Chatterley’s Lover. After all, moral questions can all be reduced to subjective value, can’t they?

    Libertarians put the case directly. We should enjoy the freedom to read or watch anything we like so long as no one has been demonstrably harmed. So, if a father of two little girls becomes aware that his next-door neighbor is addicted to virtual pornography depicting the rape, torture, and murder of little girls, it is none of his business. If people feed their imagination on images of sexual violence – as, by the way, so many sex offenders predictably do – this has absolutely no bearing on what kind of people they are or on the crimes they might some day be willing to commit.

    I am not arguing for any particular piece of legislation or for any special style of censorship. I do think, however, that sensible people should reject the nonsense that pornography of every type is a victimless crime, so long as no harm was done in its production. People do, after all, pay large sums of money for this stuff. If it does not affect them, why do they buy it?”

    Flemming also said this, in subsequent comments.

    “. I think it is obvious from my little squib that my interest in the New York case has little to do with the case or even with the laws. My purpose was to elucidate the wrong-headed thinking about pornography that afflicts nearly everyone, including self-described conservatives. In America, it would be comparatively easy to fix up the laws by restoring state and local jurisdictions. The Federal government is hopeless, utterly incompetent to address any social or moral question. But even in fixing up local and state laws and freeing these jurisdictions from Federal control, little can be accomplished so long as the American people consists of 300 million amoral hedonists who tweat their lives away on the internet.”

    He certainly does not mince words, that’s for sure.!

    A very intelligent and articlulate man who sums up so well in that paragraph above, just what the problem really is, re porn. Of course it is not only America that is infected, by this scourge,..It is a worldwide problem..

    The acquiescence of an insidious evil..

  12. Svar

    May 22, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    @ Will S.

    Wow. He is a great man and like I suspected, a devout Roman Catholic. The man is a beast in the ring and I’m especially impressed with the fact that he’s a musician(what instrument?) and a lieut-col in the military reserves.

    No wonder why Thomas Fleming decided to back the man up.

    My respect for Paquiao has gotten higher; looks like I have another great man to add to the List of Male Role Models for Svar.

    @ Slumlord

    I don’t know what to say. I just like how Srdja Trifkovic rails against Muslims and Albanians.

  13. Svar

    May 22, 2012 at 8:05 pm

    @ Kathy

    I’m glad you liked the link. I stay away from that smut; it’s against the Faith. And yeah, Thomas Fleming does not mince words at all; the reason why I admire him.

  14. Will S.

    May 22, 2012 at 8:10 pm

    @ Slumlord: We are aware of that incident here in Canada; the wiki on him you linked is interesting, mind you, in how it says he was an advisor to both the Serbian and Bosnian Serbian presidents, and an unofficial spokesman for the Bosnian Serb regime…

    Well, we don’t really take sides in Balkans conflicts, here; in fact, we don’t really give such matters a whole lot of thought, frankly. Your being someone of Croatian ancestry, I can well understand how such matters may be closer to your heart, same as they no doubt are likewise to people of Serb and Bosnian Muslim ancestry, but that doesn’t include any of us, so we no doubt pay less heed to them.

    I’m not sure what you’re insinuating; that Dr. Trifkovic is an apologist for genocide? Or what in particular your opposition to him is based on. But, I can’t say I’m going to lose any sleep over it. Frankly, I think everyone in the Balkans can be said to have their hands at least a little dirty…

  15. Will S.

    May 22, 2012 at 8:12 pm

    @ Svar: I think a singer.

  16. Svar

    May 22, 2012 at 8:16 pm

    Indeed. None of the men at Patri are of Balkan’s descent so we don’t take sides. Srdja Trifkovic is anti-Islam so that is mainly why I linked to him.

  17. pb

    May 23, 2012 at 2:28 am

    Fleming has been to Serbia and lectured there; he vouches for Trifkovic so that is sufficient for me.

  18. slumlord

    May 23, 2012 at 6:43 am

    @Will S

    Well, we don’t really take sides in Balkans conflicts

    It’s not a Croat vs Serb thing and I’m not asking you to take sides. I’d be just against any Croatian party that had a similar ideology to his. The fact that the guy has rather close connections to some really nasty thugs who re-instituted concentration camps into Europe should give a person some pause for reflection. I don’t mind a healthy nationalism, even amongst Serbs, but the nationalism that he represents is an of expansory and malignant kind last seen in 1930’s Germany. It’s a type of nationalism that is profoundly un-conservative.

    His re-interpretation of the recent war in Yugoslavia as Serbia trying to defend itself from Islam frankly beggars the imagination of anyone with the remotest knowledge of the facts. His moaning about the NATO aggression against Serbia, as if it were some U.S. state department plan to further U.S. imperialism against an innocent Serbia, ignores the fact that the reason NATO attacked Serbia was to prevent the all-to predictable-slaughter upon the Muslims that were to be expected once Serbian forces overran Bosnian and Albanian enclaves Evidenced by the “Defenders of Europe” at Srebrenica.

    Prior to the recent War in Yugoslavia, the Muslims in that bit of the world were some of the most secular ever. However as a result of the Western World “not taking sides” whilst the Muslims were being slaughtered in Bosnia, the community there became radicalised through the influence of the only group of people who were prepared to support them, their fellow Muslims. Srdja and his mates have thus contributed indirectly to the militant Islamisation in Europe.

    Here’s piece he’s penned in defence of his friend Mladic. You know, the one sitting in the Hauge at the moment. Quote;

    The heart of the indictment against him, “Srebrenica,” is a myth—a genocide-that-never was, a postmodernist exercise in pseudoreality

    A modern Walter Duranty. It’s not him being Serbian that is the issue, it’s his post-modernist “interpretation” of the truth.

  19. Will S.

    May 23, 2012 at 8:27 am

    @ Slumlord: I see. To be honest, though I’d heard of various atrocities, I’d known nothing about those concentration camps till you just mentioned it in your last comment – was that in Serbia proper, or in the Bosnian Serb state? Either way, that certainly is disturbing, I do agree.

    Just how expansive, though, is that Serbian nationalism? I didn’t think any of the former Yugoslavia’s different ethnic nationalisms, whether Serb, Croat, or Bosnian Muslim, were particularly interested in any territory beyond that of the former Yugoslavia. Nazi Germany, on the other hand, as you well know, had the entire continent of Europe at the very least, if not the entire planet, as their goal… Are any of the modern Balkan nationalisms comparable, truly? Or do you just mean in kind, rather than in terms of scale? In which case, I can see what you mean…

    Frankly, I don’t know what to think. Like Svar, I like Chronicles Magazine, and have always thought well of all of them, for the most part (one criticism I’ve long had, though, is they aren’t ‘Red Pill’ in their understandings of sex relations, of course, and Fleming has always shouted down F. Roger Devlin whenever he has commented on his pieces; he might even be banned from commenting there now; I guess they’re like so many men of their generation in that regard, unable to think ‘outside the box’).

    You do raise some disturbing questions. I do appreciate your perspective; certainly makes one think…

    I have to say: I’m inclined to think that one of the only ways there can ever truly be peace in what was Yugoslavia, was how there WAS peace when it WAS Yugoslavia; i.e. an anti-nationalist iron-fist regime strongly repressing all ethnic nationalisms – same, for that matter, as it was under the Ottomans. Any place where different ethnic groups that have no tolerance for each other are not separated into large, distinct territories, but instead are in tiny, ‘checkerboard’ mixed-up configurations, will always be a powder-keg, only able to be held at peace under tyranny that prevents any ‘oxygen’ and ‘fuel’ from igniting such a ‘powder keg’; both the Ottomans and Tito understood that, and acted accordingly. (I suppose a patchwork of city-states, freely trading with each other but respecting each other’s boundaries, is a more libertarian solution that could be tried… But that would require a commitment to peace, on the part of all, a willingness to set aside long-held grieveances, and a death to the desire to settle ‘scores’ for all ancient injustices, real and perceived…)

    There certainly are no easy solutions for that part of the Balkans; it’s worse than anywhere else in Europe in that regard, in terms of its long-term prospects…

  20. slumlord

    May 23, 2012 at 10:12 am

    Will S

    Here’s one. The camp was run in the Bosnian Serb State.

    The myth of the Balkans being violent place is only relatively recent. Whilst there was always war between the Christians and the Muslims, the hate between the Serbs and Croats was only recent.
    In fact, now that they have separated, there seems to be far less hate than before. It’s making them live together that bought all the hurt. Even Trivkovic acknowledges this.

    By the way I’ve put up a post on the matter.

  21. Will S.

    May 23, 2012 at 10:23 am

    Interesting! I will take a look at the link, and at your post.

  22. Will S.

    May 23, 2012 at 10:34 am

    Slumlord’s post is here.

  23. Svar

    May 23, 2012 at 11:41 am

    Wow. I really opened up a can of worms, huh?

  24. Will S.

    May 23, 2012 at 11:55 am

    That’ll learn ya. 😉

  25. Svar

    May 23, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    Inderdaad, Broeder.

  26. Will S.

    May 23, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    Ah, jij spreekt toch Nederlands. 😉

  27. Will S.

    May 23, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    Like me. Een klein beetje. 🙂


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