And then there were four

03 Jun

Just a short ‘programming note’, to let readers know that our ranks have thinned somewhat in the last few days, with the sudden resignations of both 7man and Svar, respectively, from Patriactionary, who have left to pursue other interests.  We are saddened by their decisions to leave us, but we understand, and we thank them both for their contributions to Patriactionary, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

Since their decisions to leave were made by each of them, respectively, we kindly ask that you direct any inquiries regarding their respective decisions to them, and not to us, thank you.

N.B. Although they are no longer listed as authors, all of 7man’s and Svar’s respective posts will remain intact here; they have not been, and will not be, deleted.  They can be found collected at the following two links:

It should also be possible to search for their posts using the search field, in the sidebar on the right side.

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Posted by on June 3, 2012 in Uncategorized


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